Category Archives: Performance

Google Page Speed Plugin vs. Page Speed Online

Today, I took a look at Google Labs’ Page Speed Online app to check the score of one of my sites. I was shocked to find out it was scoring really low at 59/100. Pathetic in my opinion since I consider site speed a huge priority (and so does Google in fact). I had just done a site update earlier in the week, so I was thinking that I had broken something. I checked the Page Speed Plugin for Firefox (part of Firebug), and just like I remembered, we were scoring really high at 94/100. I decided to take a look at the Page Speed for Chrome to see where that plugin would score us. It wasn’t as high as Firefox, but not nearly as low as the Online version; scoring at 81/100.

So my question to Google is this: Why the difference? Aren’t they running the same rules? Which score means more to Google? Between the browsers I would assume the rules being run in Firebug instead of straight through Chrome could cause a slight difference. Also perhaps the rendering engines for the browsers could account for some difference too. If anyone knows the answer for sure and which score I should really believe, I’d love to know!

Website Speed & Performance Tuning with GTmetrix

I stumbled upon a little gem today while searching for a few more techniques to improve the performance of my ASP.NET web applications. I use YSlow and Google Page Speed almost daily, and it was great to find this website that combines the both of them called GTmetrix. GTmetrix combines both Google Page Speed and YSlow into an easy to read, tabbed, table of recommendations. Each recommendation, once expanded, offers you a list of tasks that you can complete to improve the performance of your test. What’s more, is it ranks the grouping of recommendations from Low to High so that you know what to get after first. If you’re serious about your web site’s performance, definitely check this one out!